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General News

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Development Ruralconfirma the absence of the bacterium ‘Xylella fastidiosa “in Andalusia as a result of the more than 1,500 samples analyzed in laboratories Plant Health Agency Agricultural and Fisheries Management Andaluci a. Specifically, there have been 365 performances decontrol and have taken 1,578 samples of plant material for analysis, all with negative results, said a statement.

The Plant Protection Service of the Ministry informed of these actions representatives of the agricultural professional organizations, who have held a meeting to analyze the current situation of the disease “Xylella fastidiosa” after last November should occur the first detection in Spain in a garden center located in a town of the Balearic Islands. Moreover, it has found its presence in Europe in olive cultivation -the quintessential Córdoba- of France and southern Italy, which is causing significant losses.

The problem began on Tuesday when a shipment of 20,000 kilograms of cherries was rejected at the Ezeiza airport. According to marketers, Senasa did not communicate this new requirement on time.

There was an alert regarding the grapevine moth (Lobesia botrana) that attacks grapes and not cherries. However, Canada unilaterally decided not to accept shipments of all fruits until they have been treated.

The decision was taken as part of the demands made by the CFIA, Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

The measure generated uncertainty among producers who had begun to ship to that country, as well as to Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong.

The shipment belongs to some eight establishments in the region, especially of San Patricio del Chañar and Centenario, which produce high quality cherries that are free of the fruit fly. That’s why Canada’s decision to restrict shipments was surprising.

After the shipments had been rejected, the only solution offered by the Canadian agency was that the fruit undergoes a treatment to eliminate the pest.

The National Health Service and Food Quality (Senasa) destroyed 3,200 citrus seedlings in pots to prevent the HLB, a deadly disease of citrus for which there is no cure, from entering Tucuman.

The seedlings were destroyed in an area located on Route 305 in the town of Las Mesadas, Burruyacu.

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Government has warned farmers to be on the lookout for stalk borer (Chilo) that has already destroyed 250 hectares of irrigated maize in some areas. The affected areas are Matabeleland North, Midlands and some areas in Mashonaland East (Marondera) and there are fears the outbreak may spread countrywide if not controlled on time.The Chilo may seriously affect yields if measures are not taken on time.

Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development Deputy Minister Responsible for Crops Cde Davis Marapira yesterday raised concern over the pest that he said could be difficult to control since most chemicals used for controlling the stalk borer were now banned.

He said Agritex officers countrywide should be on the lookout and also carry out intensive awareness campaigns to farmers to educate them about the pest.

“The pest has destroyed 200 hectares of maize in Bubi, Matabeleland North and 50 hectares in Midlands and has been detected in Marondera. Farmers should be on the lookout for the Chilo. The stalk borer can reduce yields extensively if not controlled on time.

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Jasmine is a beloved plant for its aromatic fragrance, but the National Service of Agricultural Health and Food Safety (SENASAG) began its eradication to be the main host of the insect vector Huanglongbing (HLB) or yellow shoot disease of citrus.

So the institution, through Resolution 172/2016, prohibited the marketing, production and transportation of jasmines.

The eradication of the plant began in Villa Montes and Bermejo, in coordination with municipal governments. Selectmen institutions endowed a citrus plant for replacement.

Plant Health responsible SENASAG, Aldo Condori said that neighboring countries and reported the presence of the vector Diaphorina citri, and that is to eradicate it.


On the Spanish island of Mallorca was first identified in outlandish bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, which ravaged millions of acres of olive groves in Italy intensified concerns about epidemic in southern Europe.

The arrival of concern in Greece as the American origin Xylella fastidiosa, is considered one of the worst plant pathogens in the world and rooted out from the affected areas is difficult or impossible.

Local authorities in Spain are now taking measures against the spread of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, including imposing a ban on the movement of plant material in an area of ​​150,000 acres, while the positive is that the strain was detected has been found to only affect cherry trees and oleanders, although the prejudice of other species can not be excluded.

According to the newspaper El Mundo, which christened the bacterium “Ebola of the trees”, the disease was detected in three cherry trees during routine checks in the nursery by the Environment Agency, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Balearic Islands.

South Australia’s world-leading $3.8 million fruit fly facility opened last week providing a powerful new line of defence against one of horticulture’s most damaging pests.

Agriculture Minister Leon Bignell opened the National Sterile Insect Technology (SIT) Centre in Port Augusta last week.

The Centre will produce 50 million sterile male Queensland fruit flies each week. The flies will be released to mate with females, collapsing wild populations in fruit fly affected horticulture growing regions.

Fruit flies are the world’s worst horticultural pest, destroying fruit and vegetables in commercial crops, home gardens and impacting trade access. The Queensland fruit fly, or Q-fly, is a major pest which attacks fruit and vegetable crops in Australia.

South Australia is the only mainland State to be declared fruit fly free with the State Government committing around $5 million each year to fight the threat of fruit fly.

While a citrus tree-killing disease spread by a microscopic insect has infected dozens of trees in Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County has so far been spared, state and local agriculture officials said Tuesday.

During a presentation to the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, county agricultural commissioner Roberta Willhite and Victoria Hornbaker, head of the state Department of Food and Agriculture’s Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Program, provided an update on how the Asian citrus psyllid has impacted the thousands of citrus trees dotting the San Bernardino Valley.

“So far, thankfully, we have not found the disease in San Bernardino County,” Hornbaker said during Tuesday’s meeting. “We have found 30 trees in L.A. We have two in Hacienda Heights that we have detected and removed and 28 trees in San Gabriel, all of which have been removed.”

The official confirmation of arrival to Spanish territory, specifically the island of Mallorca, the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, popularly known as the “ebola olive tree” because of its enormous power of destruction has triggered a red alert in the Spanish agriculture. The president of the Valencian Farmers Association (AVA-ASAJA), Cristóbal Aguado, said that “this is a very serious and extremely worrying news that proves beyond any shadow of doubt what we have been denounced for some time, that is, that the Union European been applied in the field of pest control and a totally irresponsible brinkmanship. Brussels not to continue playing with impunity with the future of Mediterranean agriculture. ”

Two new outbreaks of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, including destructive Italian olive groves were identified on two shrubs in La Seyne-sur-Mer, Var, announced Monday the regional prefecture.

These shrubs are polygale to myrtle leaf (Polygala myrtifolia) and Spanish broom (Spartium junceum).

An epidemiological investigation to determine the origin of the infected plants and their planting dates is ongoing, said the prefecture.

An area of ​​100 meters around the contaminated plant has been delineated for disinsect other healthy plants. In a buffer zone of 10 km, the movements of some 200 species of plants are prohibited or highly supervised.

These new cases bring to 17 the number of outbreaks discovered in the PACA region, including 13 in the Alpes-Maritimes and Var 4.

These homes are carriers of the so-called subspecies “multiplex”, as in Corsica, a strain that does not attack the trees, unlike a devastating strain of southern Italy.